Discover our divine collection of Jesus Christ Icons at Legacy Icons, featuring exquisite Orthodox, Byzantine, and Russian styles. Each icon, handcrafted for spiritual depth and beauty, is perfect for personal devotion, church adornment, or as a sacred gift. Explore now to find museum-quality icons that bring the presence of Christ into your life.
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Angelic Host (Kratovo) Icon - F384
From $74.95This exquisite 19th century fresco is from the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kratovo, Macedonia. It depicts the Angelic Host of Heaven of archangels, cherubim, and seraphim, from the visions of Ezekiel. The iconographer captures the glory and... -
Christ the Teacher with Apostles and Prophets Icon - F325
From $9.95Painted in the beautiful decorative style of ancient Byzantine manuscripts, this striking icon features the Lord Jesus standing in the center as a Teachers. His students, the Apostles, stand round about Him, receiving His words. The Prophets and... -
Holy Trinity - Hospitality of Abraham Icon - F405
From $9.95This icon from Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC, is prominently painted as a fresco on the ceiling. The Hospitality of Abraham icon, also known as "the Old Testament Trinity," has two meanings. On its surface, this icon depicts a scene from the... -
Moses and the Burning Bush (Sinai) Icon - F320
From $9.95This beautiful icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai is a depiction of the Theotokos as the Burning Bush seen by Moses—as she held within herself the Fire of Divinity, Christ, without being consumed. The Bush is interpreted as a... -
Patron Saints of Livestock (XIXc) Icon - S560
From $9.95This icon features the traditional Orthodox patron saints of animals and livestock: Archangel Michael Martyrs Florus and Laurus Saint Blaise of Sebaste Saint Modestus of Jerusalem Icon of the Theotokos "of the Sign" At the bottom is a scene depicting... -
The Lord's Prayer (XIXc) Icon - F364
From $9.95This 19th century Russian icon is a depiction of the Lord's Prayer, filled with small vignettes illustrating each line of the prayer. The icon's original inscriptions were in Church Slavonic, but we have painstakingly recreated them in English for... -
Christ Teaching in the Temple Icon - F116
From $9.95Christ is seen among the Jewish scholars, teaching them. The Theotokos and Saint Joseph are seen on the left, having searched for the young Jesus after He disappeared from their traveling party. This event is commemorated on Mid-Pentecost, twenty-five... -
Christ, Theotokos, and John the Baptist Deesis (Hagia Sophia) - F330
From $9.95This famous Hagia Sophia mosaic features Christ, the Theotokos, and Saint John the Baptist in a Deesis (Supplication) scene. The Lord Jesus is enthroned while his Mother and Forerunner pray in behalf of the world. The mosaic was completed in the 13th... -
The Vision of John on Patmos Icon - F344
From $9.95This icon is from the very Cave of the Apocalypse itself, on the island of Patmos, Greece, where the book of Revelation was written. It depicts the following passage: I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation... -
Three Holy Youths (Slivnichki) Icon - F313
From $9.95The Three Holy Youths Ananias, Misael, and Azarias were among the Jews who were taken to Babylon in the sixth century BC. King Nebuchadnezzar took them into his royal household where they served, along with the Prophet Daniel. They were given Persian... -
Holy Spirit Enthroned (XVIIc) Icon - F304
From $9.95In this beautiful detail from a massive 17th century fresco at Slivnichki Monastery in Macedonia, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove, perched on a royal throne. He holds the Holy Gospel, and is surrounded by the instruments of the passion: the... -
Theotokos the Song of the Prophets Icon - T165
From $9.95In this 16th century Cretan icon, the Theotokos is praised by Old Testament figures, from the Patriarch Jacob (holding the ladder), to Moses, the Prophets, and finally John the Forerunner, the last of the Old Testament prophets. The iconographer appears... -
Christ Blessing the Children (Academic) Icon - F356
From $9.95This historic Russian icon depicts Christ blessing childrenl. Demonstrating his love for “the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” this icon is painted in the realistic Academic style, popular in Russia in the 17th-early 20th centuries... -
The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Decani) Icon - F395
From $9.95In the Lord's parable of the Ten Virgins, he speaks of five foolish virgins and five wise, who are awaiting the bridegroom to enter his wedding feast. The wise brought enough oil for their lamps to keep watch all night, while the foolish had to go into... -
Lamentations of the Theotokos (XVIIIc) Icon - T154
From $9.95This unique Russian icon depicts the Theotokos weeping at the Cross of her Son, Jesus Christ, outside the city of Jerusalem. The 18th century iconographer faithfully and beautifully uses color and form to portray the pathos and glory of the Holy... -
Wedding at Cana (Bamberg) Icon - F286
From $9.95This icon features the Lord's first miracle, the changing of the water into wine, which took place at the Wedding at Cana. A unique icon offering, this image is from the 10th century Bamberg Psalter, a priceless work of Western liturgical art. -
Crux Gemmata (Ravenna) Icon - F195
From $9.95This 6th-century mosaic is from the apse of the Basilica of Saint Apollinare in Ravenna, Italy. The holy Cross is jeweled (crux gemmata) and appears in the center, surrounded with the Taboric light. Moses and Elias appear on either side, and there... -
Christ Enthroned with Saints (Catacombs) - X166
From $9.95In the image we see Christ enthroned at the top between the Apostles Peter and Paul, who raise their hands in a gesture of prayer and supplication. Christ's halo is like a rainbow, with the Greek letters Alpha and Omega ("the beginning and the end") and... -
Lamb of God and the Four Living Creatures - F329
From $9.95This is a reproduction of an illuminated manuscript from the Beatus Codex Manchester, a commentary on the Book of Revelation written in the year 776. The image depicts the vision of St. John from Revelation 5:6-8: And between the throne and the four... -
Iconostasis (XVIIIc) Icon - F375
From $9.95This unique 18th century Russian icon features a stylized church iconostasis. This is a great way to bring the church into the home as a centerpiece for prayer. Top Row: Crucifixion and Holy Friday scenes Second Row: Patriarchs Third Row: Prophets... -
Theotokos "the Unexpected Joy" (XIXc) Icon - T153
From $9.95This popular icon tells the story of a certain young man who, despite his sinful way of life, kept a prayerful devotion to the Mother of God. One day, he prayed before the icon of the Theotokos as he was leaving his house to commit a sin... -
Theotokos with John II and Irene (Hagia Sophia) - F331
From $9.95This beautiful Hagia Sophia mosaic features the Theotokos and Christ, standing between Emperor John II Komnenos and his wife Empress Irene of Hungary, holding symbols of donations. The mosaic dates to the 13th century and is found in the south gallery... -
Deesis of Suzdal (XIIIc) Icon - F347
From $9.95This unique Deësis (supplication) icon is from an iconostasis from the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow. Known as the Suzdal Deësis, it was painted in the 13th century. It features a simple Deësis row with Christ in the center and the... -
Massacre of the Holy Innocents (Athos) Icon - F238
From $9.95This infanticidal slaughter was ordered by Herod, who was afraid of losing power to the one called "King of the Jews" by the Magi. Soon after the birth of Christ, all the male children in the Bethlehem region under two years of age were murdered. Mary... -
Bosom of Abraham (Decani) Icon - F385
From $9.95The Bosom (or "Embrace") of Abraham is an image that refers to a place comfort within Hades (the common place of the dead) for the righteous departed. This term is used in the Lord's parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, which has the poor beggar Lazarus... -
Days of the Week (XVIIIc) Icon - F266
From $9.95In the Eastern Christian tradition, each day of the week is dedicated to special remembrances. This unique 18th century Russian icon portrays each day's commemoration: Sunday: the Resurrection, with the Harrowing of Hades icon Monday: the Angels, with... -
Theotokos and the Tree of Moscow Icon - T179
From $9.95This icon is a famous and historic symbol of Moscow and its ancient kingdom. In the center is the Theotokos of Vladimir. She is surrounded by a "family tree" filled with saints from the Moscow region. Painted in 1668 by Simon Ushakov. On the left side:... -
Feeding of the 5000 (XIXc) Icon - F373
From $9.95This miracle is recorded by all four of the Evangelists in their Gospels. In the wilderness near Bethsaida, the Lord had compassion on the crowds and miraculously multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men, with the women and children besides... -
The Pure Soul Icon - F342
From $9.95"The Pure Soul" is an extremely rare subject matter, but it is found in Russian iconography during the 16th-18th centuries. It is an instructional icon based on various spiritual texts. The female figure on the left, dressed in royal robes, represents... -
"All Creation Rejoices in Thee" with Scenes from Genesis Icon - T162
From $9.95The hymn All Creation Rejoices in Thee is part of the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, and was written by St. John of Damascus. (He appears in this icon, to the left of the Theotokos, presenting his scroll to her.) All Creation rejoices in thee, O full... -
Tabernacle of Witness (Athos) Icon - F246
From $9.95In this radiant icon, we see Moses and Aaron standing within the Tabernacle of Witness. Moses holds a chalice and a text of the Law, while Aaron the high priest holds a censer and the budded rod. The orb with the seven-branch candle stand contains an... -
Christ with Constantine IX and Zoe (Hagia Sophia) - F332
From $9.95This beautiful Hagia Sophia mosaic features Christ Enthroned, standing between Emperor Constantine IX and his wife Empress Zoe, holding symbols of donations. The 11th century mosaic is contemporary with Zoe's lifetime and has a colorful history. As Zoe... -
The Cursing of the Fig Tree (Decani) Icon - F394
From $9.95On the day after Palm Sunday (Holy Monday), the Lord Jesus cursed a fig tree. This tree appeared hardy and covered with leaves, but it was fruitless. At this the Lord said, "May fruit no longer come from you forever!" The tree immediately withered... -
The Last Judgment (Bamberg) Icon - F288
From $9.95Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it; the earth and the heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was... -
Iconostasis (XIXc) Icon - F333
From $9.95This unique 19th century Russian icon features a stylized church iconostasis. This is a great way to bring the church into the home as a centerpiece for prayer. Bottom Row: the Holy Doors and Deacon's Doors Second Row: the 12 Great Feasts with Pascha... -
Christ Enthroned and the River of Life (Bamberg) Icon - F310
From $9.95Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit,... -
Christ the Divine Architect (Illumination) Icon - X125
From $9.95This unique example of Western iconography from the 13th-century Bible moralisée depicts Christ as the Architect of the world, or Geometer.