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20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia (Athos) Icon - S294
From $9.95These 20,000 saints were martyred on Christmas Day in the year 303. A great number of Christians were burned alive in a church, and many others were killed in the surrounding area at the decree of Diocletian. They are all commemorated together on... -
All Saints of Mount Athos (XIXc) Icon - F270
From $9.95This 19th century Russian lithographic icon depicts All Saints of Mount Athos. The most prominent and famous Athonite monastic saints are visible in the foreground, and the haloes of countless more saints, known and unknown, stretch into the distance... -
Apostle John (Illumination) Icon - S645
From $9.95This beautiful example of Western iconography is part of the illuminated manuscript known as the Lindisfarne Gospel, which was produced in England in the early 8th century. We see Saint John writing his Gospel. The text at the top reads Imago... -
Apostle Zacchaeus Icon - S475
From $9.95Saint Zacchaeus was a tax collector (publican). His encounter with the Lord is recorded in Luke 19, which resulted in Zacchaeus turning from his greed and following Christ. After the Ascension, he traveled with Saint Peter, becoming one of the Seventy... -
Child Martyr Gabriel (Davidovskiy) Icon - S534
From $9.95Saint Gabriel was born on March 22, 1684, in Zvierki (Zwierki, Poland). His parents, Peter and Anastasia, maintained their Orthodox faith despite the growth of Uniatism in the region. As a child, Gabriel preferred prayer and solitude rather than the... -
Dionysius the Aeropagite (Athos) Icon - S322
From $9.95Saint Dionysius was the second bishop of Athens. He was a member of the Aeropagus (Mars Hill), and with Saint Hierotheus, he was converted by Saint Paul. Together with the Apostles, he was present at the funeral of the Theotokos. He was martyred in the... -
Righteous Gideon Icon - S385
From $9.95Gideon was appointed by God as one of the Judges of Israel during the Old Testament. His feast is celebrated on September 26, and he is also remembered among the Old Testament righteous on the Sunday of the Forefathers in December. -
Saint Dorotheus of Gaza (Athos) Icon - S510
From $9.95Saint Dorotheos was born in Antioch about the year 506 of prominent parents. He was well-educated and worked as a physician. He desired to enter the monastic life, and joined the monastery of Thawatha, where Saints Barsanuphius and John also lived... -
Saint George with Scenes (XIXc) Icon - S551
From $9.95This early 19th century Greek icon depicts the life and martyrdom of Saint George. It was painted in 1823, in the midst of the Greek war of independence, and surely brought strength and inspiration to those who viewed it. George was a soldier of noble... -
Saint John the Baptist (Koufos) Icon - S654
From $9.95This glorious icon of Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner is from the iconostasis at Saint Nicholas Anthiochian Orthodox Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was painted by Fr. Theodore Koufos of blessed memory. The Glorious Prophet, Forerunner,... -
Saint Porphyrios of Gaza Icon - S189
From $9.95Saint Porphyrios (or Porphyrius, or Porphyry), was the Bishop of Gaza 395-420, known from the account in his Life for Christianizing the recalcitrant pagan city of Gaza, and demolishing its temples. His feast day is celebrated on February 26. -
Saint Stephen the New of Auxentius (Athos) Icon - S292
From $9.95Saint Stephen suffered during the iconoclasm of Emperor Leo the Isaurian (716-41). He defended the veneration of icons, and for this he was put on trial and imprisoned. In prison, he and over 300 other defenders of the icons organized a... -
Andrew of Crete, the Hymnographer (Athos) Icon - S334
From $9.95Saint Andrew was born about the year 650 in Damascus, Syria. At the age of 14 he joined the Monastery of St. Sabbas the Sanctified in Jerusalem. Known for his virtue, he became the secretary of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, and attended the Sixth... -
Archangel Jehudiel Icon - S423
From $9.95Jehudiel (also translated as Jegudiel) in the Hebrew language means Glorifier of God. One of the eight traditional archangels, he is depicted holding a golden crown and whip. He is considered to be a patron of leaders and those in positions of... -
Archangel Salaphiel Icon - S422
From $9.95Salaphiel (also translated as Salathiel) in the Hebrew language means Intercessor of God. One of the eight traditional archangels, he is named in the book of III Esdras, where he encourages the Prophet Esdras. His hands are crossed in a... -
Iconostasis (XIXc) Icon - F333
From $9.95This unique 19th century Russian icon features a stylized church iconostasis. This is a great way to bring the church into the home as a centerpiece for prayer. Bottom Row: the Holy Doors and Deacon's Doors Second Row: the 12 Great Feasts with Pascha... -
Miracle of Archangel Michael at Chonae (XVc) Icon - F153
From $9.95This historic icon commemorates the Miracle of Chonae. This historic 15th century Byzantine icon gives its focus to the figure and importance of Michael the Archangel in this miracle and in preserving God’s people. According to Holy Tradition, this... -
Prophet Elias (Koufos) Icon - S656
From $9.95This incredible icon of Saint Elias the Prophet is from the iconostasis at Saint Nicholas Anthiochian Orthodox Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It features Saint Elias being taken up to heaven in the chariot of fire, while his disciple, the Prophet... -
Saint Boniface (XIXc) Icon - S547
From $9.95Saint Boniface lived during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (286-305). He was the servant of a ranking Roman woman named Aglais, but in truth they were living together in a sinful union. Boniface drank heavily and lived in hedonism, yet he was also... -
Saint Matrona of Constantinople (Crete) Icon - S382
From $9.95Saint Matrona lived in the fifth century. After the death of her husband, she entered the monastic life and founded a women's monastery in Constantinople, which became known for its strict rule of life and the holiness of the women who lived there... -
Saints Blasius, Florus and Laurus (XVIIIc) Icon - S157
From $9.95This 18th century icon shows the frontal depictions of the saints full-length. Blasius (or Blaise) is represented dressed as a bishop, with the Gospel book in his hands, martyrs Florus and Laurus are holding the crosses in their right hands. -
Apostle Andrew (XIXc) Icon - S153
From $9.95This Bulgarian icon of the Apostle Andrew "the First-Called" was painted in the 19th century. He is commemorated on November 30. -
Apostle Simon (Clark) Icon - S245
From $9.95The Apostle Simon the Zealot is traditionally regarded as the bridegroom at the Wedding of Cana, where Christ performed His first miracle. After witnessing this, he became a zealous follower of Christ. After Pentecost, he traveled throughout Europe to... -
Miracle of Archangel Michael with Florus and Laurus Icon - F156
From $9.95This historic icon from the 1400s depicts a number of miracles and saints related to horses and other domestic livestock. As such, it is a moving reminder of God’s power revealed through creation, even through common animals. The historic... -
Peter of Alexandria (Athos) Icon - S309
From $9.95Saint Peter was archbishop of Alexandria for 12 years at the beginning of the 4th century. He it was who excommunicated the priest Arius for his heresy. Saint Peter was arrested and imprisoned at the command of Emperor Maximinus in 312. While in prison,... -
Precious Head of John the Baptist Icon - S133
From $9.95When the Forerunner was beheaded by Herod, his head was placed on a platter and given to his daughter at the request of her mother. This 19th century Russian icon depicts the Forerunner's sacred head, which is commemorated on several feast days during... -
Saint George (Academic) Icon - S481
From $9.95Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,... -
Saint Lucia of Syracuse (Fiorenzo) Icon - S652
From $9.95Saint Lucia (also known as Lucy) of Syracuse in Sicily, was a martyr under the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. She suffered early in the 4th century, at about the age of 20, after she refused to marry a pagan. Her feast is celebrated on December 13,... -
Saint Raphael of Brooklyn (Clark) Icon - S213
From $9.95Saint Raphael was born in Beirut in 1860. He spent the first decades of his life traveling throughout the Middle East and Russia, gaining knowledge and experience as a clergyman. Father Raphael was called to America and established a parish in Brooklyn,... -
Saint Theodore of Sykeon (Athos) Icon - S512
From $9.95Saint Theodore was born out of wedlock in Sykeon of Galatia. When he was a child, his mother gave him a soldier's belt, and told him he would be a soldier. The Great Martyr George then appeared to her and told her that God had a different plan for her... -
Sophronius of Jerusalem (Athos) Icon - S319
From $9.95Saint Sophronius was from Damascus. While living as a monk in Palestine, he met John Moschus. They became close friends and traveled throughout the Middle East seeking spiritual instruction for many years. After John's death, Sophronius returned to the... -
Abercius of Hierapolis (Athos) Icon - S307
From $9.95Saint Abercius (or Averky) was bishop of Hierapolis and was known for his God-given ability of wonderworking. During a festival of Apollo, he destroyed the idols in the temple, to the horror of the pagans. He cried out that the gods had become drunk and... -
Apostle Bartholomew (Koufos) Icon - S626
From $9.95Also known as Nathanael, St. Bartholomew is traditionally held to have been one of the younger Apostles, and followed Christ with a simple, cheerful faith. After the Ascension, he ministered through Syria and Asia Minor alongside St. Philip, and was... -
Apostle John the Theologian (XVc) Icon - S169
From $9.95The beloved Apostle John is celebrated on May 8 and September 26. -
Athanasius the Great of Alexandria (Athos) Icon - S329
From $9.95Saint Athanasius was born to a Christian family in Alexandria in 295. He was ordained the bishop of Alexandria before he reached his thirtieth birthday, and became a leader of the Church even before that. At the time that Athanasius was... -
Northern Russia Deesis (XVIc) - F348
From $74.95This beautiful 16th century Deësis (Supplication) row features the distinctive bright blue of northern Russian icons of the 16th century. The figures feature a distinctive Novgorod influence in their style. This icon was likely originally painted... -
Saint Athanasia (Whirledge) Icon - S599
From $9.95This icon is offered by Legacy Icons with the permission of the iconographer, Brian Matthew Whirledge. -
Saint George (XVIc) Icon - S162
From $9.95Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,... -
Saint Nicholas With Scenes (XVIIc) Icon - S138
From $9.95Saint Nicholas was born in the third century in the city of Patara. His wealthy Christian parents died when he was young, and he gave his inheritance to the poor. Devoting himself to the Church, Nicholas was eventually ordained Bishop of Myra...