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  • Saint John Climacus (Sinai) Icon - S381

    Saint John Climacus (Sinai) Icon - S381

    From $9.95
    In this 13th century icon from the Monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai, Saint John Climacus ("of the Ladder"), the author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent, is depicted as a hermit in his distinctive cloak. He is commemorated on March 30 and...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Macarius the Great (Athos) Icon - S520

    Saint Macarius the Great (Athos) Icon - S520

    From $9.95
    Saint Macarius the Great (or Makarios) was from Egypt. He struggled in the deserts near Skete in Thebaid, northern Egypt. He was called "the child elder" for his advanced wisdom and ascetic life. He was a renowned preacher, and some fifty of his...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Nicholas with Scenes Icon - S539

    Saint Nicholas with Scenes Icon - S539

    From $9.95
    Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in the 3rd-4th centuries. This stunningly beautiful icon depicts scenes from his eventful and holy life.
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    From $9.95
  • Spyridon the Wonderworker (Poulakis) Icon - S445

    Spyridon the Wonderworker (Poulakis) Icon - S445

    From $9.95
    Saint Spyridon was from Cyprus, and he worked as a shepherd. After the death of his wife, he was appointed Bishop of Trimythus, and he attended the First Ecumenical Council. There he refuted the Arians using his simple wisdom. God granted him the gift...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle John the Theologian on Patmos Icon - S417

    Apostle John the Theologian on Patmos Icon - S417

    From $9.95
    The beloved Apostle John is celebrated on May 8 and September 26. In this icon, he is dictating his book of apocalyptic visions to Saint Prokopos while exiled on the island of Patmos.
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Matthias (Clark) Icon - S250

    Apostle Matthias (Clark) Icon - S250

    From $9.95
    The Apostle Matthias was the 12th Apostle, chosen to replace Judas after he hanged himself. He died a martyr's death.  His feast is celebrated on August 9 by the Orthodox Church, May 14 in the West, and On February 24 in certain Protestant...
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    From $9.95
  • Great Prince Saint Vladimir Icon - S498

    Great Prince Saint Vladimir Icon - S498

    From $9.95
    Saint Vladimir was the grandson of Saint Olga, who became a Christian at Constantinople. Vladimir's father Svyatoslav divided his kingdom among his three sons. Vladimir, at that time a fierce pagan, was granted the principality of Novgorod. He...
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    From $9.95
  • Miracle of Archangel Michael at Chonae (Sinai) Icon - F154

    Miracle of Archangel Michael at Chonae (Sinai) Icon - F154

    From $9.95
    The Archangel Michael delivered a church from destruction and brought forth a holy spring. A band of pagans tried to destroy the church by diverting two rivers towards it, but the Archangel appeared and caused a great earthquake. The earth split open...
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    From $9.95
  • Prophet Elias and Enoch Icon - S531

    Prophet Elias and Enoch Icon - S531

    From $9.95
    This 17th century icon features the Prophet Elias (Elijah, Iliya) and the Patriarch Enoch (Enokh). What these Old Testament men have in common is that they never died. According to Genesis, Enoch walked with God for 365 years "and he was no more;"...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Ignatius of Antioch with Lions Icon - S136

    Saint Ignatius of Antioch with Lions Icon - S136

    From $9.95
    Saint Ignatius is known to have been a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, and a contributor to the early ministry of the Church. He is also believed to have been that “little child” who Jesus used as an example of the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Nina, Enlightener of Georgia (Davidovskiy) Icon - S563

    Saint Nina, Enlightener of Georgia (Davidovskiy) Icon - S563

    From $9.95
    Saint Nina (also spelled Nino or Nune) was born in Cappadocia about the year 280. She was a relative of Saint George. Her parents sold their possessions, moved to Jerusalem, and entered the monastic life. Nina was left in the care of an old woman who...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Phoebe the Deaconess Icon - S466

    Saint Phoebe the Deaconess Icon - S466

    From $9.95
    Saint Phoebe was a deaconess in the church of Cenchreae in Corinth. She was mentioned by Saint Paul in the Book of Romans as a benefactor of many, including Paul himself. He sent Phoebe to Rome to gain support for his missionary work. Her feast is...
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    From $9.95
  • The Vision of John on Patmos Icon - F344

    The Vision of John on Patmos Icon - F344

    From $9.95
    This icon is from the very Cave of the Apocalypse itself, on the island of Patmos, Greece, where the book of Revelation was written. It depicts the following passage:  I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation...
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    From $9.95
  • 40 Martyrs of Sebaste Icon - S101

    40 Martyrs of Sebaste Icon - S101

    From $9.95
    These martyrs were Roman soldiers who were rounded up in the year 320 for being Christians. They were condemned to death and were left naked on a frozen lake in winter. The guards prepared hot baths and tempted the soldiers to renounce Christ and live,...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Jude (Koufos) Icon - S627

    Apostle Jude (Koufos) Icon - S627

    From $9.95
    St. Jude is another Apostle whose role in Jesus’ ministry is not elaborated on in scripture.  When he is named among the Apostles, he is also called Thaddeus or Lebbaeus. It is not known how he was called to Jesus or exactly what he achieved...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Matthew (Illumination) Icon - S177

    Apostle Matthew (Illumination) Icon - S177

    From $9.95
    This beautiful example of Western iconography is a manuscript illumination from the Lindisfarne Gospels, produced in England in the early 8th century. Saint Matthew is depicted writing his Gospel. The angel is a symbolic representation of the...
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    From $9.95
  • Deesis of Suzdal (XIIIc) Icon - F347

    Deesis of Suzdal (XIIIc) Icon - F347

    From $9.95
    This 13th century icon known as the Suzdal Deësis is from the Dormition Cathedral in Moscow. It features a simple Deësis (supplication) row with Christ in the center and the Theotokos and Saint John the Forerunner turned towards Him.
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    From $9.95
  • Doubting Thomas (Antipascha) Icon - F132

    Doubting Thomas (Antipascha) Icon - F132

    From $9.95
    This icon is part of the festive row of the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral of St. Cyril Belozersky Monastery. It was painted in the 16th century.
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    From $9.95
  • Righteous Job With Scenes Icon - S151

    Righteous Job With Scenes Icon - S151

    From $9.95
    Job was a descendent of Abraham, and righteous in every way. For this, he was richly blessed with wealth and power. God saw fit to test Job. All at once, he lost his children and his wealth. His body was afflicted with painful sores. Job's few...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint George (Clark) Icon - S204

    Saint George (Clark) Icon - S204

    From $9.95
    Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,...
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    From $9.95
  • Simeon the Stylite Icon - S259

    Simeon the Stylite Icon - S259

    From $9.95
    The Elder Simeon the Stylite was born in Cappadocia in the lat 4th century. The son of Christian parents, he was obedient and a dedicated worker. While still a boy, he was struck by the singing of the Beatitudes in church. With the help of a trusted...
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    From $9.95
  • Three Holy Youths (Slivnichki) Icon - F313

    Three Holy Youths (Slivnichki) Icon - F313

    From $9.95
    The Three Holy Youths Ananias, Misael, and Azarias were among the Jews who were taken to Babylon in the sixth century BC. King Nebuchadnezzar took them into his royal household where they served, along with the Prophet Daniel. They were given Persian...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle John the Theologian on Patmos Icon - S172

    Apostle John the Theologian on Patmos Icon - S172

    From $9.95
    The beloved Apostle John is celebrated on May 8 and September 26. In this icon, he is dictating his book of apocalyptic visions while exiled on the island of Patmos.
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Mark (Koufos) Icon - S624

    Apostle Mark (Koufos) Icon - S624

    From $9.95
    While not himself one of the Twelve Apostles, the Evangelist St. Mark is said to have been present at Jesus’ arrest. In the Gospel of Mark, the “young man” who ran away from the scene, and apparently watched the Crucifixion from afar,...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Barachiel Icon - S424

    Archangel Barachiel Icon - S424

    From $9.95
        Barachiel in the Hebrew language means Blessing of God. One of the eight traditional archangels, he is depicted holding roses. He is considered to be a leader of the Guardian Angels, and a patron of married couples and families...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Gabriel (XVIc) Icon - S107

    Archangel Gabriel (XVIc) Icon - S107

    From $9.95
    An angel is a messenger of God, and a being which has stood before God and praised Him from a time before human comprehension. We cannot fully grasp what an angel's exact nature is, but we can understand an angel's function on earth. In icons,...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Michael of the Apocalypse Icon - S115

    Archangel Michael of the Apocalypse Icon - S115

    From $9.95
    Saint Michael is portrayed on horseback, holding a censer, a Gospel, and a spear, and blowing a trumpet. Christ is visible in the corner, watching from heaven.
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    From $9.95
  • Face of Saint Nicholas (XXIc) Icon - S479

    Face of Saint Nicholas (XXIc) Icon - S479

    From $9.95
    Saint Nicholas was born in the third century in the city of Patara. His wealthy Christian parents died when he was young, and he gave his inheritance to the poor. Devoting himself to the Church, Nicholas was eventually ordained Bishop of Myra...
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    From $9.95
  • Nicholas of Myra (Athos) Icon - S328

    Nicholas of Myra (Athos) Icon - S328

    From $9.95
    Saint Nicholas was born in the third century in the city of Patara. His wealthy Christian parents died when he was young, and he gave his inheritance to the poor. Devoting himself to the Church, Nicholas was eventually ordained Bishop of Myra...
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    From $9.95
  • Patriarch Abraham Icon - S528

    Patriarch Abraham Icon - S528

    From $9.95
    The Holy Patriarch Abraham is commemorated on Sunday of the Forefathers (2nd Sunday Before Christmas) and October 9.
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    From $9.95
  • Prophet and High Priest Aaron (Koufos) Icon - S218

    Prophet and High Priest Aaron (Koufos) Icon - S218

    From $9.95
    Aaron was the brother of Moses. While God assigned the task of Israelite leadership directly to Moses, Aaron became an important leader in his own right.  At his first encounter with God, Moses expressed concern that he was not well-spoken enough...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Abigail of Ireland (Chimev) Icon - S586

    Saint Abigail of Ireland (Chimev) Icon - S586

    From $9.95
    Saint Abigail (also known as Gobnait or Gobnata) was born in Ireland around the beginning of the sixth century. After seeing a vision of white deer, she was granted land to build a women's monastery at Ballyvourney. As abbess, she was known for gifts...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Barbara Icon - S247

    Saint Barbara Icon - S247

    From $9.95
    Barbara, born in the third century in Syria, was so beautiful that her pagan father placed her in an isolated tower to keep her innocent of any influence except his own until she could be married. Like St. Christina, Barbara also came to realize...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint James the Persian (Athos) Icon - S282

    Saint James the Persian (Athos) Icon - S282

    From $9.95
    Saint James was a high-ranking official in the Persian Empire in the early-5th century. He and his wife were secret Christians, and in fear of being discovered, he offered a sacrifice of incense to the Emperor Barakhranes after a victory in battle. He...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Katherine with Scenes (XVIIc) Icon - S558

    Saint Katherine with Scenes (XVIIc) Icon - S558

    From $9.95
    Saint Katherine (also spelled Catherine) was a Great Martyr who suffered in the year 305 at the hands of Maximinus of Alexandria. She is commemorated in the Slavic churches on November 24, the date of her martyrdom. In the Byzantine churches, she is...
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    From $9.95
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