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  • Saint Paraskevi Icon - S232

    Saint Paraskevi Icon - S232

    From $9.95
    The holy Virgin Martyr Paraskevi (or Paraskeva) was born in Rome in the 2nd century to Christian parents. From her earliest years she was devout, spending much of her time in prayer and reading the Scriptures. After her parents' death, she dedicated...
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    From $9.95
  • Seven Sleepers of Ephesus Icon - F176

    Seven Sleepers of Ephesus Icon - F176

    From $9.95
    The Seven Sleepers were a group of young soldiers who confessed their faith in Christ before the Emperor Decius. They were allowed to go free, and they fled to the caves to hide. As they prayed in preparation for martyrdom, they were discovered by...
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    From $9.95
  • Triumph of Orthodoxy Icon - F186

    Triumph of Orthodoxy Icon - F186

    From $9.95
    We now offer a much higher quality version of this icon, click here. The Feast of Orthodoxy (also knowns as the Sunday of Orthodoxy or the Restoration of the Icons) is celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent(six...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle James Alphaeus (Clark) Icon - S244

    Apostle James Alphaeus (Clark) Icon - S244

    From $9.95
        The Apostle James, Son of Alphaeus, was the brother of the Apostle Matthew. After Pentecost, he and the Apostle Andrew preached throughout Palestine, healed the sick, and converted many to Christ. Saint James was finally crucified by pagans...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Philip (Koufos) Icon - S621

    Apostle Philip (Koufos) Icon - S621

    From $9.95
    The educated St. Philip plays a relatively minor role in the Gospels, but his actions as a disciple while Jesus was alive show his practical nature and logical mind. He is commemorated on November 14. He was close friends with the Apostle Bartholomew,...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Thomas (XVc) Icon - S194

    Apostle Thomas (XVc) Icon - S194

    From $9.95
    The holy, glorious Apostle Thomas is celebrated on October 6, and his "excellent unbelief, which led the hearts of the faithful to knowledge" is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on the Sunday after Pascha.
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Gabriel (XIVc) Icon - S108

    Archangel Gabriel (XIVc) Icon - S108

    From $9.95
    An angel is a messenger of God, and a being which has stood before God and praised Him from a time before human comprehension. We cannot fully grasp what an angel's exact nature is, but we can understand an angel's function on earth. In icons,...
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    From $9.95
  • Massacre of the Holy Innocents (Athos) Icon - F238

    Massacre of the Holy Innocents (Athos) Icon - F238

    From $9.95
    This infanticidal slaughter was ordered by Herod, who was afraid of losing power to the one called "King of the Jews" by the Magi. Soon after the birth of Christ, all the male children in the Bethlehem region under two years of age were murdered. Mary...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint George (XXc) Icon - S375

    Saint George (XXc) Icon - S375

    From $9.95
    Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,...
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    From $9.95
  • The Myrrh-bearers at the Tomb Icon - F226

    The Myrrh-bearers at the Tomb Icon - F226

    From $9.95
    After the Resurrection, the Myrrh-bearing Women came to the tomb. They found the soldiers fallen as dead, the stone rolled away, and an angel sitting on it. He showed them the Lord’s empty grave clothes, and told them to tell the Disciples of the...
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    From $9.95
  • Theotokos with John II and Irene (Hagia Sophia) - F331

    Theotokos with John II and Irene (Hagia Sophia) - F331

    From $9.95
    This beautiful Hagia Sophia mosaic features the Theotokos and Christ, standing between Emperor John II Komnenos and his wife Empress Irene of Hungary, holding symbols of donations. The mosaic dates to the 13th century and is found in the south gallery...
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    From $9.95
  • 40 Martyrs of Sebaste (XIXc) Icon - S367

    40 Martyrs of Sebaste (XIXc) Icon - S367

    From $9.95
    These martyrs were Roman soldiers who were rounded up in the year 320 for being Christians. They were condemned to death and were left naked on a frozen lake in winter. The guards prepared hot baths and tempted the soldiers to renounce Christ and live,...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Gabriel (Moscow) Icon - S112

    Archangel Gabriel (Moscow) Icon - S112

    From $9.95
    An angel is a messenger of God, and a being which has stood before God and praised Him from a time before human comprehension. We cannot fully grasp what an angel's exact nature is, but we can understand an angel's function on earth. In icons,...
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    From $9.95
  • Christ, Theotokos, and John the Baptist Deesis (XIXc) Icon - F378

    Christ, Theotokos, and John the Baptist Deesis (XIXc) Icon - F378

    From $9.95
    This 19th century Russian icon features Christ Pantocrator (Almighty) in the center, with the Theotokos Virgin Mary and John the Baptist on either side. These holiest of saints are always nearest to our Lord Jesus, praying for the peace and salvation...
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    From $9.95
  • Dionysius the Aeropagite (Athos) Icon - S322

    Dionysius the Aeropagite (Athos) Icon - S322

    From $9.95
    Saint Dionysius was the second bishop of Athens. He was a member of the Aeropagus (Mars Hill), and with Saint Hierotheus, he was converted by Saint Paul. Together with the Apostles, he was present at the funeral of the Theotokos. He was martyred in the...
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    From $9.95
  • Prophet Joel Icon - S147

    Prophet Joel Icon - S147

    From $9.95
    The Prophet Joel lived some 800 years before Christ. One of the Minor Prophets, he prophesied of the coming of the Holy Spirit. He is commemorated on October 19.
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    From $9.95
  • Righteous Ruth Icon - S438

    Righteous Ruth Icon - S438

    From $9.95
    Ruth lived about the 13th century before Christ. She was the great-grandmother of David, the King of Israel. During a time of famine in Israel, Elimelech and Naomi of Bethlehem took their sons and traveled to the nearby country of Moab. Elimelech died,...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint George with Scenes (XIXc) Icon - S551

    Saint George with Scenes (XIXc) Icon - S551

    From $9.95
    This early 19th century Greek icon depicts the life and martyrdom of Saint George. It was painted in 1823, in the midst of the Greek war of independence, and surely brought strength and inspiration to those who viewed it. George was a soldier of noble...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Nicholas (Sinai) Icon - S180

    Saint Nicholas (Sinai) Icon - S180

    From $9.95
    Saint Nicholas was born in the third century in the city of Patara. His wealthy Christian parents died when he was young, and he gave his inheritance to the poor. Devoting himself to the Church, Nicholas was eventually ordained Bishop of Myra...
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    From $9.95
  • Andrew of Crete, the Hymnographer (Athos) Icon - S334

    Andrew of Crete, the Hymnographer (Athos) Icon - S334

    From $9.95
    Saint Andrew was born about the year 650 in Damascus, Syria. At the age of 14 he joined the Monastery of St. Sabbas the Sanctified in Jerusalem. Known for his virtue, he became the secretary of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, and attended the Sixth...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle James Zebedee (Koufos) Icon - S620

    Apostle James Zebedee (Koufos) Icon - S620

    From $9.95
    St. James, the brother of St. John the Evangelist, was with his brother among the second of the Apostles to be called to Jesus. With John as well, James was given the surname "Boanerges," Sons of Thunder, by Jesus, and with John and Peter James was...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Peter (Koufos) Icon - S622

    Apostle Peter (Koufos) Icon - S622

    From $9.95
    St. Peter, a chief Apostle along with St. Paul, was originally called Simon. The names "Peter" and "Cephas" both mean rock, and were both given by Jesus. He was first called alongside his brother Andrew.   Peter is known for committing a great error...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Philip (Clark) Icon - S234

    Apostle Philip (Clark) Icon - S234

    From $9.95
    The Apostle Philip of the Twelve was a friend of brothers and fellow Apostles Andrew and Peter. When Christ called Philip to be an Apostle, Philip immediately went to Nathanael and proclaimed that He was the Messiah of Israel. After Pentecost, Philip...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Zacchaeus Icon - S475

    Apostle Zacchaeus Icon - S475

    From $9.95
    Saint Zacchaeus was a tax collector (publican). His encounter with the Lord is recorded in Luke 19, which resulted in Zacchaeus turning from his greed and following Christ. After the Ascension, he traveled with Saint Peter, becoming one of the Seventy...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Michael (Deesis) Icon - S117

    Archangel Michael (Deesis) Icon - S117

    From $9.95
    An angel is a messenger of God, and a being which has stood before God and praised Him from a time before human comprehension. We cannot fully grasp what an angel's exact nature is, but we can understand an angel's function on earth. In icons,...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Salaphiel Icon - S422

    Archangel Salaphiel Icon - S422

    From $9.95
        Salaphiel (also translated as Salathiel) in the Hebrew language means Intercessor of God. One of the eight traditional archangels, he is named in the book of III Esdras, where he encourages the Prophet Esdras. His hands are...
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    From $9.95
  • John the Merciful of Alexandria (Athos) Icon - S327

    John the Merciful of Alexandria (Athos) Icon - S327

    From $9.95
    Saint John became archbishop of Alexandria in 608. He fought against heresy throughout his episcopacy, but he is especially remembered for his generosity to the poor. He is also referred to as John the Almsgiver. He reposed in 619, at the age of 64...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint John Chrysostom (XIVc) Icon - S386

    Saint John Chrysostom (XIVc) Icon - S386

    From $9.95
    Saint John Chrysostom (which means "Golden-Mouthed," after his eloquent speaking abilities) is one of the greatest preachers and theologians in Church history. His sermons and commentary on the scriptures are invaluable, and his bold preaching is held...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Porphyrios of Gaza Icon - S189

    Saint Porphyrios of Gaza Icon - S189

    From $9.95
    Saint Porphyrios (or Porphyrius, or Porphyry), was the Bishop of Gaza 395-420, known from the account in his Life for Christianizing the recalcitrant pagan city of Gaza, and demolishing its temples. His feast day is celebrated on February 26.
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    From $9.95
  • Annunciation to Saint Joachim (Athos) Icon - F229

    Annunciation to Saint Joachim (Athos) Icon - F229

    From $9.95
    The Church has received the tradition of the conception of the Mother of God from the ancient Fathers of the Church. The Virgin Mary was born to her parents about 16 or 17 years before the birth of Christ. Her father Joachim was descended from the...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle John (Koufos) Icon - S616

    Apostle John (Koufos) Icon - S616

    From $9.95
    St. John the Evangelist did not only author a Gospel, but was a much beloved Apostle and minister of Jesus. He and his brother James were both fishermen and both called to Jesus at the same time and place. Jesus also gave him the surname "Boanerges," Son...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Gabriel (XXc) Icon - S378

    Archangel Gabriel (XXc) Icon - S378

    From $9.95
    An angel is a messenger of God, and a being which has stood before God and praised Him from a time before human comprehension. We cannot fully grasp what an angel's exact nature is, but we can understand an angel's function on earth. In icons,...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint George (Academic) Icon - S481

    Saint George (Academic) Icon - S481

    From $9.95
    Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint John the Baptist with Scenes (XIXc) Icon - S369

    Saint John the Baptist with Scenes (XIXc) Icon - S369

    From $9.95
    The Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John was the older cousin of our Lord. He was born miraculously of his aged parents, specially chosen by God to prepare the way for Christ, the Messiah. It was John who identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God...
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    From $9.95
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