
Icons From Mount Athos

Discover our divine collection of Jesus Christ Icons at Legacy Icons, featuring exquisite Orthodox, Byzantine, and Russian styles. Each icon, handcrafted for spiritual depth and beauty, is perfect for personal devotion, church adornment, or as a sacred gift. Explore now to find museum-quality icons that bring the presence of Christ into your life.

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  • Christ Pantocrator (Athos) Icon - X137

    Christ Pantocrator (Athos) Icon - X137

    From $9.95
    Pantocrator, "almighty," is one of the many names of God used in the Bible. It refers to Christ as Sabaoth, "Lord of Hosts," the ruler of all, and the sustainer of the universe. This image of Christ is the most widely-used subject in all of...
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    From $9.95
  • Washing of the Feet (Athos) Icon - F236

    Washing of the Feet (Athos) Icon - F236

    From $9.95
    The Washing of the Feet occurred in the Gospel at the Last Supper before the Lord’s Passion. In this event, he as the Master washes the feet of his servants, the Disciples. This role reversal demonstrated Christ’s great humility and taught us how we...
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    From $9.95
  • Calming of the Sea (Athos) Icon - F239

    Calming of the Sea (Athos) Icon - F239

    From $9.95
    This miracle of Christ is found in the three synoptic gospels. While He slept on the boat, a storm arose and threatened to capsize the boat. The disciples woke Him in fear, and the Lord rebuked the wind. The storm died down, and He questioned the...
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    From $9.95
  • Theotokos "the Guide" (Athos) Icon - T149

    Theotokos "the Guide" (Athos) Icon - T149

    From $9.95
    The Hodigitria (Guide or Directress) genre of icons features Christ sitting on the Virgin's lap. Her hands point to her Son in a gesture of humility, guiding the viewer to look to Him. This icon always appears on the iconostasis in Orthodox...
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    From $9.95
  • Theophany (Athos) Icon - F255

    Theophany (Athos) Icon - F255

    From $9.95
    John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness, preparing the way for Our Lord. As John was baptizing the people in the Jordan River, Jesus came to be baptized Himself—not that He had sins to be forgiven, but to inaugurate His ministry...
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    From $9.95
  • Warrior Saints (XVIIc) Icon - S371

    Warrior Saints (XVIIc) Icon - S371

    From $9.95
    This 17th century icon comes from the Hilander monastery on Mount Athos. It features four prominent warrior saints, from left to right, Demetrios the Myrrh-streaming (also spelled Demetrius/Dmitri), George the Trophy-bearer, Prokopios (or Procopius),...
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    From $9.95
  • Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch (Athos) Icon - S343

    Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch (Athos) Icon - S343

    From $9.95
    Saint Ignatius is known to have been a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, and a contributor to the early ministry of the Church. He is also believed to have been that “little child” who Jesus used as an example of the...
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    From $9.95
  • Resurrection of Lazarus (Athos) Icon - F242

    Resurrection of Lazarus (Athos) Icon - F242

    From $9.95
    Here Christ extends His hand to His beloved friend Lazarus, who comes out of his tomb after being dead for four days. This miraculous event happened just before Palm Sunday. By this action, Christ displayed His power over death and pointed to His...
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    From $9.95
  • Icon called Angel of the Lord, from a fresco on Mt Athos

    Angel of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S352

    From $9.95
    This icon is faithfully reproduced from a detail in a large 16th century fresco from Mt. Athos. It features a glorious angel titled "Angel of the Lord." He is dressed as a deacon in deep blue and gold festal robes, following Psalm 103’s...
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    From $9.95
  • icon of the Angel of the Lord from Mt. Athos

    Angel of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S351

    From $9.95
    This icon is faithfully reproduced from a detail in a large 16th century fresco from Mt. Athos. It features a glorious angel titled "Angel of the Lord." He is dressed as a deacon in deep red and gold festal robes, following Psalm 103’s...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Panteleimon (Athos) Icon - S342

    Saint Panteleimon (Athos) Icon - S342

    From $9.95
    Saint Panteleimon lived in the late 3rd century. A native of Nicomedia, his mother wished for him to be raised a Christian. When she died young, his pagan father sent him to be educated as a physician. He was befriended by Saint Hermolaus, a priest, and...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Anthony the Great (Athos) Icon - S290

    Saint Anthony the Great (Athos) Icon - S290

    From $9.95
    Born to wealthy and devout Christian parents in Egypt, Anthony was always sensitive to the duties of faith. When his parents died, Anthony distributed his inheritance to the poor and went to live a life in solitude that set an example for centuries...
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    From $9.95
  • Feeding of the 5000 (Athos) Icon - F231

    Feeding of the 5000 (Athos) Icon - F231

    From $9.95
    This miracle is recorded by all four of the Evangelists in their Gospels. In the wilderness near Bethsaida, the Lord had compassion on the crowds and miraculously multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men, with the women and children besides...
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    From $9.95
  • Gregory of Nyssa (Athos) Icon - S406

    Gregory of Nyssa (Athos) Icon - S406

    From $9.95
    St. Gregory lived in the fourth century. A brilliant theologian and teacher, he was consecrated bishop of Nyssa by his older brother, St. Basil the Great. Together the brothers fought against the Arian heresy, and suffered persecution by Arian clergy...
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    From $9.95
  • Seraph (Athos) Icon - S355

    Seraph (Athos) Icon - S355

    From $9.95
    This detail from a large 16th century fresco features a Seraph. The Seraphim, which in Hebrew means "burning ones," are the highest of the nine angelic ranks. Their name indicates their closeness to God: so close that they are eternally burning with...
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    From $9.95
  • The Samaritan Woman at the Well (Athos) Icon - F244

    The Samaritan Woman at the Well (Athos) Icon - F244

    From $9.95
    The Lord's conversation and forgiveness of the Samaritan Woman at the well, as described in John 4:5-42, is celebrated on the fourth Sunday after Pascha (Easter) in the Orthodox Church.
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    From $9.95
  • Cherub (Athos) Icon - S353

    Cherub (Athos) Icon - S353

    From $9.95
    This detail from a large 16th century fresco features a Cherub. The Cherubim are the second-highest of the nine ranks of angels. The Ark of the Covenant fashioned by Moses, and later the Temple, depicted images of Cherubim. In the icon, the Cherub...
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    From $9.95
  • Entry Into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) (Athos) Icon - F241

    Entry Into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) (Athos) Icon - F241

    From $9.95
    Palm Sunday is the celebration of Christ's triumphal entry into the royal city of Jerusalem. Riding on a young donkey, he was met by a massive crowd who publicly hailed Him as king. They waved palm branches and laid their cloaks on the road before Him...
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    From $9.95
  • The Myrrh-bearers at the Tomb (Athos) Icon - F234

    The Myrrh-bearers at the Tomb (Athos) Icon - F234

    From $9.95
    After the Resurrection, the Myrrh-bearing Women came to the tomb. They found the soldiers fallen as dead, the stone rolled away, and an angel sitting on it. He showed them the Lord’s empty grave clothes, and told them to tell the Disciples of the...
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    From $9.95
  • Martyrdom of Stephen (Athos) Icon - F237

    Martyrdom of Stephen (Athos) Icon - F237

    From $9.95
    The Apostle Stephen was the first deacon of the Church. For this, he is called "Protodeacon" or "Archdeacon," and as he was the first Christian martyr, he is called "Protomartyr." While performing his missionary work, he defeated some Jews in a debate...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S326

    Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S326

    From $9.95
    Saint James was a kinsman of the Lord Jesus, either His half-brother (a son of Joseph by his first wife) or His cousin (a son of Joseph's brother Cleopas). In any case, the Scriptures refer to him as the Lord's brother, as was the idiom of the Jews at...
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    From $9.95
  • Spyridon the Wonderworker (Athos) Icon - S303

    Spyridon the Wonderworker (Athos) Icon - S303

    From $9.95
    Saint Spyridon was from Cyprus, and he worked as a shepherd. After the death of his wife, he was appointed Bishop of Trimythus, and he attended the First Ecumenical Council. There he refuted the Arians using his simple wisdom. God granted him the gift...
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    From $9.95
  • Basil the Great (Athos) Icon - S331

    Basil the Great (Athos) Icon - S331

    From $9.95
    St. Basil was born in Caesarea in 329, to a holy family full of saints. He went to complete his education in Athens, where he first met his lifelong friend St. Gregory the Theologian. Later, after he had spent some time in solitude, Basil became...
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    From $9.95
  • Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Athos) Icon - S344

    Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Athos) Icon - S344

    From $9.95
    Saint Sebastian was a native of Milan. He was a member of the Senate and converted many to Christ in his zeal. He was arrested, beaten, and finally shot with arrows, giving up his soul to God in the year 288, together with several other martyrs. His...
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    From $9.95
  • John Chrysostom (Athos) Icon - S332

    John Chrysostom (Athos) Icon - S332

    From $9.95
    Saint John Chrysostom (which means "Golden-Mouthed," after his eloquent speaking abilities) is one of the greatest preachers and theologians in Church history. His sermons and commentary on the scriptures are invaluable, and his bold preaching is...
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    From $9.95
  • Three Holy Youths (Athos) Icon - S348

    Three Holy Youths (Athos) Icon - S348

    From $9.95
    The Three Holy Youths Ananias, Misael, and Azarias were among the Jews who were taken to Babylon in the sixth century BC. King Nebuchadnezzar took them into his royal household where they served, along with the Prophet Daniel. They were given Persian...
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    From $9.95
  • The Agony of Christ in the Garden (Athos) Icon - F254

    The Agony of Christ in the Garden (Athos) Icon - F254

    From $9.95
    "Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane and said to the disciples, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ And taking Peter and the two sons of Zebedee he began to grow sorrowful and distressed. Then Jesus said to...
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    From $9.95
  • The Supper at Emmaus (Athos) Icon - F240

    The Supper at Emmaus (Athos) Icon - F240

    From $9.95
    After the Resurrection, Christ met Luke and Cleopas on the road to Emmaus. They did not recognize His resurrected body, and they invited Him to come and eat with them. At the table, Christ broke bread and gave it to them, and they recognized Him as...
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    From $9.95
  • Simeon the Stylite (Athos) Icon - S346

    Simeon the Stylite (Athos) Icon - S346

    From $9.95
    The Elder Simeon the Stylite was born in Cappadocia in the lat 4th century. The son of Christian parents, he was obedient and a dedicated worker. While still a boy, he was struck by the singing of the Beatitudes in church. With the help of a trusted...
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    From $9.95
  • Four Evangelists Tetramorph (Athos) - S275

    Four Evangelists Tetramorph (Athos) - S275

    From $9.95
    This detail from a  16th century fresco depicts a very unique Tetramorph of the Four Evangelists. A Tetramorph is a symbolic combination of four figures. In this icon, the traditional symbols of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are combined into...
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    From $9.95
  • Gregory Palamas (Athos) Icon - S302

    Gregory Palamas (Athos) Icon - S302

    From $9.95
    Saint Gregory was born in 1296 and raised in the imperial court of Constantinople, where he excelled in both religious and secular knowledge. He later departed to Mount Athos and labored in the Vatopedi Monastery. When his harsh asceticism brought an...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Demetrios (Athos) Icon - S349

    Saint Demetrios (Athos) Icon - S349

    From $9.95
    Saint Demetrios (or Demetrius) was born in Thessaloniki in the third century. He was a soldier in the Roman army and exhibited every Christian virtue. During the persecution of the emperor Diocletian, Demetrios was imprisoned. While in prison he spoke...
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    From $9.95
  • Prophet Jonah and the Whale (Athos) Icon - S261

    Prophet Jonah and the Whale (Athos) Icon - S261

    From $9.95
    The Prophet Jonah (or Jonas) lived in the 8th century before Christ. He prophesied to the Israelites and the Ninevites, calling all to repentance. He also foretold of the coming Messiah. Jonah was eaten by a sea creature and spent three days in its...
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    From $9.95
  • Prophet Samuel (Athos) Icon - S286

    Prophet Samuel (Athos) Icon - S286

    From $9.95
    Samuel’s prophecies were a driving force in the era after the Israelites had settled in one land. His conception and birth, after his then-barren mother Hannah offered her sorrow to God and asked for His mercy and blessing, foreshadows the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Ephraim the Syrian (Athos) - S276

    Saint Ephraim the Syrian (Athos) - S276

    From $9.95
    Although his parents were strong Christians, Ephraim (or Ephrem), born in Nisbis, was thoughtless and rebellious in his youth. It was not until his antics bordered on crime and he was accused of theft that Ephrem began to repent of his ways, and he...
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    From $9.95
  • Healing of the Blind Man (Athos) Icon - F245

    Healing of the Blind Man (Athos) Icon - F245

    From $9.95
    The Lord's restoration of sight to the Blind Man, as described in John 9:1-41, is celebrated on the fifth Sunday after Pascha (Easter) in the Orthodox Church. According to many of the Church Fathers, the man was not merely blind, but he was born without...
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