Discover our divine collection of Jesus Christ Icons at Legacy Icons, featuring exquisite Orthodox, Byzantine, and Russian styles. Each icon, handcrafted for spiritual depth and beauty, is perfect for personal devotion, church adornment, or as a sacred gift. Explore now to find museum-quality icons that bring the presence of Christ into your life.
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I Am the Vine Icon - F197
From $9.95This icon depicts Christ as the True Vine, the name He gives Himself in his final discourse in the Upper Room before his Betrayal. In John 15:5, Christ said to the gathered Apostles, "I am the Vine, you are the branches." This icon depicts this saying... -
Creation of the World (XXIc) Icon - F379
From $9.95This stunning icon depicts the Six Days of Creation in one single incredible icon. The starry firmament above contains the sun, moon, and stars. The border of the sky is marked by a rainbow, which in iconography symbolizes God's divine power and... -
Jesus Walking on the Water (XXIc) Icon - F290
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon depicts the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. Capturing the emotion and glory from the famed story from the Gospels, it demonstrates Christ’s power and care for his disciples as they lie storm-tossed in the... -
Wedding at Cana Icon - F188
From $9.95The wonderful thing about icons of the Eastern Orthodox tradition are the depictions of how our Lord Jesus Christ comes and lives among us in everyday real life events. This beautiful icon depicting the story of Jesus at the Wedding of Cana performing... -
The Visitation of the Theotokos and Saint Elizabeth Icon - F324
From $9.95After the miraculous conception of Saint John the Baptist by Saint Elizabeth and the Annunciation to the Theotokos of the conception of the Lord Jesus, the two cousins met at Elizabeth's home. When the Theotokos entered Elizabeth's presence, John leapt... -
Mystical Supper (Whirledge) Icon - F386
From $9.95This 21st century icon shows the scene of the Mystical Supper (or the Last Supper). Christ reveals that one of his Disciples will betray Him, as they look at one another with shock. Judas, the betrayer, is seen reaching his hand toward the bowl, as the... -
Wedding at Cana (Stryzhak) Icon - F317
From $9.95This beautiful icon depicts the Lord's first miracle at the Wedding of Cana, where He turned the water into wine and, in the words of the Orthodox Wedding service, He "declared marriage to be an honorable estate." Icons of the Wedding at Cana are often... -
Mission to Alaska Icon - F396
From $9.95This stunning fresco depicts the arrival of the Gospel to the natives of Alaska. Saints Herman, Juvenaly, and Innocent were the first saints of the Orthodox Church to shine forth in the wilderness of Alaska. With a missionary spirit desiring to... -
Calming of the Sea (Athos) Icon - F239
From $9.95This miracle of Christ is found in the three synoptic gospels. While He slept on the boat, a storm arose and threatened to capsize the boat. The disciples woke Him in fear, and the Lord rebuked the wind. The storm died down, and He questioned the... -
Catacomb Cross Icon - F215
From $9.95The ancient "IC XC NIKA" cross is very common in Eastern Christianity. An abbreviation that means "Jesus Christ conquers", the pattern is stamped on the holy bread used for the Eucharist, and is frequently used in every kind of decoration. Let this... -
The Apostles' Communion (Whirledge) Icon - F389
From $21.95This icon, the Apostles' Communion, is often seen in the sanctuaries of Orthodox Churches. In it, Christ is depicted as the High Priest and prototypical celebrant the Mystical Supper of the Holy Eucharist, distributing it to his Apostles. In the words... -
Christ Blessing the Children (Koufos) Icon - F323
From $9.95This beautiful handcrafted icon displays Jesus blessing the children from the Gospel account. Through this icon, we are reminded that children are important in the Lord's eyes, and that we must have childlike faith to enter His Kingdom. This icon was... -
Christ, Theotokos, and John the Baptist Deesis Row (Fiorenzo) Icon - F399
From $9.95This icon of the Deësis type features our Lord Jesus in the middle, enthroned in heaven as King and God. Nearest to Him and offering prayers of supplication in behalf of the faithful are His Mother, the Theotokos, and Saint John the Baptist... -
Christ Greeting Mary Magdalene Icon - F113
From $9.95After rising from the tomb, Jesus is met by Mary Magdalene, who kneels in worship before Him. This icon is also known as Noli me tangere, Latin for "Do not hold on to me," which were Christ's words to Mary when they met. -
Wedding at Cana Icon - F189
From $9.95This scene depicts Christ and the Theotokos at the Wedding at Cana of Galilee. This was our Lord's first miracle, changing the water into wine. As the Orthodox marriage service also says, by His presence at this wedding, Christ blessed marriage as... -
The Symbol of Faith (XIXc) Icon - F334
From $9.95This unique 19th century Russian icon features twelve illustrated panels of the Nicene Creed. The panel's original inscriptions were in Church Slavonic, but we have painstakingly recreated them in English for accessible reading. Lord of Sabaoth and... -
"All Creation Rejoices in Thee" with Last Judgment (Poulakis) Icon - T178
From $9.95The hymn All Creation Rejoices in Thee is part of the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, and was written by St. John of Damascus. (He appears in this icon, to the left of the Theotokos, presenting his scroll to her.) All Creation rejoices in thee, O full... -
Resurrection of Christ (Whirledge) Icon - F404
From $9.95This glorious icon of the Resurrection and Harrowing of Hades features our Lord emerging triumphant from the depths of Hades, trampling down the gates, locks and chains that forever kept humans trapped after death. He raises from their tombs Adam and... -
Christ Saving Peter Icon - F115
From $9.95Amidst the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Peter was afraid of the waves and took his eyes off Christ. But the Lord was there to save him, as He is for all of us. -
Hospitality of Abraham (Fiorenzo) Icon - F400
From $9.95This icon, known as the Hospitality of Abraham, depicts the Old Testament scene when Abraham and Sarah were visited by three angelic visitors who announced the birth of their son, Isaac. This scene is traditionally understood to be a prefigurement... -
Feeding of the 5000 (Athos) Icon - F231
From $9.95This miracle is recorded by all four of the Evangelists in their Gospels. In the wilderness near Bethsaida, the Lord had compassion on the crowds and miraculously multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed 5000 men, with the women and children besides... -
Christ Blessing the Children (XIXc) Icon - F365
From $9.95Jesus is shown blessing the children, after the account in the Gospel where parents bring their children to Him. In this icon, we are reminded that children are important in the Lord's eyes, and we must have childlike faith to... -
Only-Begotten Son (XVIIIc) Icon - F377
From $9.95This 18th century Russian Old Believer icon is based on the "Hymn of Justinian" that is sung in the Divine Liturgy: Only-Begotten Son and Word of God; who art immortal; who for our salvation willed to be incarnate of the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin... -
The Fearful Judgment (Decani) Icon - F336
From $9.95This icon depicts the Lord Jesus as Judge at the Last Judgment, coming in glory with the angelic host. With the Theotokos and Saint John the Baptist in poses of supplication, this is also a deësis icon, as they pray for the souls of those facing... -
Lindisfarne Cross Icon - F259
From $9.95This beautifully intricate design comes from a page of the 8th century Lindisfarne Gospel book. Inspired by Eastern and Celtic motifs, this early English manuscript illumination is called a "carpet" because of its resemblance to a fine tapestry. -
Theotokos "Multiplier of Wheat" Icon - T147
From $9.95The original icon of the Theotokos the "Multiplier of Wheat" was painted in the 19th century at the blessing of St. Ambrose of Optina. He established October 15 as a day of celebration and prayer for a safe and fruitful harvest, saying the Mother of God... -
Martyrdom of Stephen (Athos) Icon - F237
From $9.95The Apostle Stephen was the first deacon of the Church. For this, he is called "Protodeacon" or "Archdeacon," and as he was the first Christian martyr, he is called "Protomartyr." While performing his missionary work, he defeated some Jews in a debate... -
Crucifixion of Christ (Whirledge) Icon - F403
From $9.95This stunning icon of the Crucifixion features our Lord hanging on the Cross outside the city of Jerusalem. Standing nearby are His Mother, the Theotokos, and the other women, as well as Saint John. The Cross is planted in "the place of the Skull." This... -
The Supper at Emmaus (Athos) Icon - F240
From $9.95After the Resurrection, Christ met Luke and Cleopas on the road to Emmaus. They did not recognize His resurrected body, and they invited Him to come and eat with them. At the table, Christ broke bread and gave it to them, and they recognized Him as... -
Wedding at Cana (Decani) Icon - F369
From $9.95The wonderful thing about icons of the Eastern Orthodox tradition are the depictions of how our Lord Jesus Christ comes and lives among us in everyday real life events. This beautiful icon depicting the story of Jesus at the Wedding of Cana... -
Preparation of the Throne Icon - F397
From $27.95This depiction of the Throne of God is often found in icons of the Last Judgment, but can also be seen by itself in a simplified form, as in this icon. The blue circle surrounding the Throne is known as a Mandorla. This represents transcendence and the... -
Christ, Theotokos, and John the Baptist Deesis (XXc) - F368
From $9.95This colorful, early 20th century Russian icon features Christ Pantocrator ("Almighty") enthroned, with the Virgin and John the Baptist making supplication at his throne. -
Noah's Ark Icon - F168
From $9.95This historic Greek icon depicts the events of the days leading up to the Great Food of Genesis 7-9. Noah and his family are depicted preparing to board the ark, together with animals of every kind. Above, God the Father and accompanying angels are... -
Exile of Adam and Eve From Paradise Icon - F225
From $9.95The Sunday before the beginning of Lent is known in the Orthodox Church as Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, we commemorate the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Through this, we remember that we are far from God because of sin, but we can be... -
Adam Naming the Animals (Meteora) Icon - F262
From $9.95This beautiful is from the Monastery of St. Nicholas, one of the clifftop monasteries in Meteora, Greece. It depicts the scene from Genesis 2:19-20, where Adam the first-formed man named the animals which God had created. "Out of the ground... -
Tree of Jesse (Sinai) Icon - F319
From $9.95This incredible icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai is a depiction of the Theotokos as the "flower of Jesse's Tree". The Prophets are seen among the branches growing from Jesse, with the Theotokos at their center, as the Mother of the... -
Holy City of Jerusalem Icon - F351
From $9.95This incredible Russian icon is a stylized map of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside, featuring numerous Old and New Testament scenes as well as famous saints who lived near Jerusalem. Dominating the center is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,...