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  • Orthodox icon of the St Moses the Ethiopian, from the original at St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, DC.

    Saint Moses the Ethiopian Icon - S631

    From $9.95
    Saint Moses the Ethiopian, also known as Moses the Black, lived in Egypt during the fourth century. He was a slave, but after committing a murder, his master cast him out. Moses carried on with his sinful life, and was widely feared for his infamous...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Nicholas (Whirledge) Icon - S595

    Saint Nicholas (Whirledge) Icon - S595

    From $9.95
    Saint Nicholas was born in the third century in the city of Patara. His wealthy Christian parents died when he was young, and he gave his inheritance to the poor. Devoting himself to the Church, Nicholas was eventually ordained Bishop of Myra. In this...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Icon - S593

    Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Icon - S593

    From $9.95
    This icon is a reproduction of the Cathedral Shrine to St. Raphael. Originally commissioned prior to his becoming a saint, the icon was later corrected after his glorification in 2000. An interesting feature of this icon is the engolpion (panagia) that...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Martha the Sister of Lazarus Icon - S497

    Saint Martha the Sister of Lazarus Icon - S497

    From $9.95
    Saint Martha was a sister of Lazarus, whom Christ raised from the dead. She was one of the Myrrh-bearing Women who came to the Lord's tomb on the morning of Pascha. After the murder of Saint Stephen, a persecution broke out in Jerusalem and Lazarus and...
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    From $9.95
  • 21 New Martyrs of Libya Icon - S100

    21 New Martyrs of Libya Icon - S100

    From $9.95
    On February 15, 2015, the Moslem terrorists of Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) executed these 21 Coptic Orthodox men for their Christian faith. The video which showed the brutal beheadings called them "people of the cross, followers of the hostile...
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    From $9.95
  • Apostle Luke the Iconographer Icon - S174

    Apostle Luke the Iconographer Icon - S174

    From $9.95
    In addition to being a physician and author of one of the Gospels and the Book of Acts, the Apostle and Evangelist Saint Luke is traditionally held to be the first iconographer. In this icon, he is depicted as painting the original Theotokos...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Michael Icon - S480

    Archangel Michael Icon - S480

    From $9.95
    Michael in the Hebrew language means Who is like God? He is the leader of the Archangels, and has been depicted from the earliest times as a commander and protector of the Church. In this icon he holds a scepter, which represents authority
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    From $9.95
  • Guardian Angel (Old Believer) Icon - S131

    Guardian Angel (Old Believer) Icon - S131

    From $9.95
    This 19th century Old Believer icon depicts the Guardian Angel, the faithful companion and ever-present protector of every baptized Christian. The icon of the Guardian Angel is a perfect baptism gift. The Guardian Angel is commemorated on November...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Helen (Stryzhak) Icon - S459

    Saint Helen (Stryzhak) Icon - S459

    From $9.95
    Saint Helen, the Equal-to-the-Apostles, was the mother of Saint Constantine. As the mother of the Roman Emperor, she served as his Empress. She was devoted to the Holy Land, and discovered the True Cross on which Christ was crucified. This event is...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint John the Baptist (Rublev) Icon - S168

    Saint John the Baptist (Rublev) Icon - S168

    From $9.95
    The Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John was the older cousin of our Lord. He was born miraculously of his aged parents, specially chosen by God to prepare the way for Christ, the Messiah. It was John who identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God...
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    From $9.95
  • Holy Archangels Micro Icon Set

    Holy Archangels Micro Icon Set

    This beautiful icon set includes the eight traditional Archangels, the leaders of the bodiless hosts of heaven. Inspire your mind with spiritual thoughts as you contemplate their intercession for you and your loved ones. Michael in the Hebrew...
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  • Saint Isaac the Syrian (XXIc) Icon - S500

    Saint Isaac the Syrian (XXIc) Icon - S500

    From $9.95
    Also known as Isaac of Ninevah, he was born in Arabia in the early 7th century. As a young man he entered a monastery and devoted himself to the monastic life. Later in his life, he was ordained Bishop of Nineveh in the north of modern Iraq. After just...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Martin of Tours (XVc) Icon - S395

    Saint Martin of Tours (XVc) Icon - S395

    From $9.95
    Saint Martin lived in the 4th century. He was a soldier in the Roman army. Once, he gave his cloak to a beggar, and Christ appeared to Martin in a dream, wearing the cloak. He was baptized soon afterwards, but remained in the army—reluctantly,...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Icon - S254

    Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Icon - S254

    From $9.95
    Saint Raphael was born in Beirut in 1860. He spent the first decades of his life traveling throughout the Middle East and Russia, gaining knowledge and experience as a clergyman. Father Raphael was called to America and established a parish in...
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    From $9.95
  • Saints Augustine and Monica Icon Set - Y017

    Saints Augustine and Monica Icon Set - Y017

    From $19.95
    This icon set includes icons of Saint Augustine and his mother, Saint Monica. Though Augustine went far astray in his youth, he was brought back through the unceasing prayers of his mother. With this set, we see the fulfillment of a certain...
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    From $19.95
  • Christ and Saint Menas Icon - F214

    Christ and Saint Menas Icon - F214

    From $9.95
    Saint Menas the Wonderworker is one of the best-known Egyptian saints throughout the world. He was a soldier in the Roman army, and died a martyr about the year 309 when he refused to renounce his faith in Christ. His feast is celebrated on November 11...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Anthony the Great (Koufos) Icon - S154

    Saint Anthony the Great (Koufos) Icon - S154

    From $9.95
    Born to wealthy and devout Christian parents in Egypt, Anthony was always sensitive to the duties of faith. When his parents died, Anthony distributed his inheritance to the poor and went to live a life in solitude that set an example for...
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    From $9.95
  • Angel of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S352

    Angel of the Lord (Athos) Icon - S352

    From $9.95
    This detail from a large 16th century fresco features an angel, titled "Angel of the Lord." He is dressed as a deacon, as Psalm 103 describes the angels as "ministering spirits." He holds a royal scepter and orb, representing the authority given to...
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    From $9.95
  • Archangel Raphael Icon - S421

    Archangel Raphael Icon - S421

    From $9.95
        Raphael in the Hebrew language means Healing of God or God the Healer. One of the eight traditional archangels, he is named in the book of Tobit, where he restores sight to the blind. He holds a staff and an orb, which represents...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Katherine (Sinai) Icon - S444

    Saint Katherine (Sinai) Icon - S444

    From $9.95
    Saint Katherine (also spelled Catherine) was a Great Martyr who suffered in the year 305 at the hands of Maximinus of Alexandria. She is commemorated in the Slavic churches on November 24, the date of her martyrdom. In the Byzantine churches, she is...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Photine the Samaritan Woman Icon - S549

    Saint Photine the Samaritan Woman Icon - S549

    From $9.95
    Saint Photeini (also known as Photina, Photine, Photini, or Svetlana) was the Samaritan Woman met by Christ in John 4. Their conversation is the longest recorded dialogue between Christ and a single person.  She had had five husbands and was...
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    From $9.95
  • Angel of the Resurrection Icon - F343

    Angel of the Resurrection Icon - F343

    From $9.95
    This fresco, from the Mileševa Monastery in Serbia, depicts the scene at the Lord's tomb on the morning of the Resurrection. The Myrrh-bearing women encounter the Angel in brilliant white robes, who shows the Lord's grave clothes in the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia Icon - S489

    Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia Icon - S489

    From $9.95
    Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia was an Athonite hieromonk known for his gifts of spiritual discernment, a type of clairvoyance which he sometimes called "spiritual television." He was born in 1906 in the village of Saint John Karystia, in the province...
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    From $9.95
  • Three Pillars of Orthodoxy Icon - S470

    Three Pillars of Orthodoxy Icon - S470

    From $9.95
    This 21st-century Bulgarian icon, painted by the hand of Georgi Chimev, features Saints Photius the Great, Gregory Palamas, and Mark of Ephesus. Also known as the Three New Holy Hierarchs, these holy Hierarchs had significant roles in guiding the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Mark the Evangelist (XXIc) Icon - S507

    Saint Mark the Evangelist (XXIc) Icon - S507

    From $9.95
    While not himself one of the Twelve Apostles, the Evangelist St. Mark is said to have been present at Jesus’ arrest. In the Gospel of Mark, the “young man” who ran away from the scene, and apparently watched the Crucifixion from...
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    From $9.95
  • Orthodox icon of St Luke the Evangelist from the original in St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, DC.

    Apostle Luke the Evangelist Icon - S634

    From $9.95
    The Apostle and Evangelist Luke was not one of the Lord’s twelve original disciples. A Gentile physician from Antioch, he is counted among the Seventy Apostles. He was a follower of Saint Paul, and traveled with him and Saint Peter throughout the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Anthony the Great (XIXc) Icon - S556

    Saint Anthony the Great (XIXc) Icon - S556

    From $9.95
    Born to wealthy and devout Christian parents in Egypt, Anthony was always sensitive to the duties of faith. When his parents died, Anthony distributed his inheritance to the poor and went to live a life in solitude that set an example for centuries to...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Mary of Egypt (Old Believer) Icon - S175

    Saint Mary of Egypt (Old Believer) Icon - S175

    From $9.95
    This 19th century Old Believer icon of the great penitent Saint Mary of Egypt comes from Mstera, Russia. She stands in the center, surrounded by scenes of her meetings with Abba Zosimas. She is commemorated on April 1, and in the Orthodox Church, the...
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    From $9.95
  • Saints Tikhon and Raphael Icon - S591

    Saints Tikhon and Raphael Icon - S591

    From $9.95
    This is an original and unique icon from Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral. It depicts Saint Raphael of Brooklyn, the founding cleric of the Cathedral community in 1895, and Saint Tikhon of Moscow, who actually consecrated the old Saint...
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    From $9.95
  • Seraph (Athos) Icon - S355

    Seraph (Athos) Icon - S355

    From $9.95
    This detail from a large 16th century fresco features a Seraph. The Seraphim, which in Hebrew means "burning ones," are the highest of the nine angelic ranks. Their name indicates their closeness to God: so close that they are eternally burning with...
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    From $9.95
  • The Three Marys (XIXc) Icon - S555

    The Three Marys (XIXc) Icon - S555

    From $9.95
    At the Lord's crucifixion, the Gospel tells us that these three women remained until His burial: Mary Magdalene, Mary of Clopas, and Mary the Theotokos. This icon was painted in Russia in the late 19th century.
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    From $9.95
  • Orthodox icon of the Apostle St Andrew The First-Called, from the original at St Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, DC.

    Apostle Andrew the First-Called Icon - S630

    From $9.95
    The Apostle Andrew "the First-Called," was the brother of Saint Peter. He had been a disciple of Saint John the Baptist, but went to follow Christ when Saint John called Him "the Lamb of God," becoming the first disciple. After the Lord's ascension into...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Alexandra the Empress (XIXc) Icon - S200

    Saint Alexandra the Empress (XIXc) Icon - S200

    From $9.95
    The holy Martyr Alexandra was the wife of Roman Emperor Diocletian. She was a contemporary of Saint George, and she is commemorated with him on April 23.
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Joseph the Hesychast Icon - S569

    Saint Joseph the Hesychast Icon - S569

    From $9.95
    Saint Joseph was born in Greece in 1897. At the age of 23 he began to read the lives of the Saints, which sparked a yearning to enter the monastic life. He began to withdraw to the uninhabited countryside, and finally departed to Mount Athos. He...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Seraphim of Sarov (XIXc) Icon - S192

    Saint Seraphim of Sarov (XIXc) Icon - S192

    From $9.95
    Saint Seraphim is one of the Orthodox Church's most beloved holy elders. This icon was painted in the 19th century, featuring beautifully embossed gold and colored inlays. He was born in western Russia in 1754. According to tradition, he was sickly as...
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    From $9.95
  • Archimandrite Roman Braga (Stryzhak) Icon - S462

    Archimandrite Roman Braga (Stryzhak) Icon - S462

    From $9.95
    Father Roman Braga was born in 1922 in a small village in central Moldova. His mother was a devout Orthodox Christian, and she raised him in a religious environment centered around the monastery of Condrita. During World War II, Roman attended seminary...
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    From $9.95
  • Martyrdom of Stephen (Athos) Icon - F237

    Martyrdom of Stephen (Athos) Icon - F237

    From $9.95
    The Apostle Stephen was the first deacon of the Church. For this, he is called "Protodeacon" or "Archdeacon," and as he was the first Christian martyr, he is called "Protomartyr." While performing his missionary work, he defeated some Jews in a debate...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Anastasia (XIVc) Icon - S233

    Saint Anastasia (XIVc) Icon - S233

    From $9.95
    The holy Great-Martyr Anastasia was born in Rome in the 2nd century under the Diocletian persecution. Her father was a pagan, but her mother was a secret Christian and arranged for Anastasia to be educated in the Faith by a pious Christian named...
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    From $9.95
  • Saint Joanna Icon - S499

    Saint Joanna Icon - S499

    From $9.95
    Saint Joanna, the wife of Chusa the steward of King Herod, was one of the women who followed Christ during his ministry (mentioned twice in the Gospel of Luke), and she was among the Myrrh-bearing Women who came to the Lord's tomb on the morning of...
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    From $9.95
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