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Discover our divine collection of Jesus Christ Icons at Legacy Icons, featuring exquisite Orthodox, Byzantine, and Russian styles. Each icon, handcrafted for spiritual depth and beauty, is perfect for personal devotion, church adornment, or as a sacred gift. Explore now to find museum-quality icons that bring the presence of Christ into your life.
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Saint George Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint George was a Martyr of the early Church and is a beloved Saint across the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and his Troparia (liturgical hymns) on the back. Icon by the hand... -
Saint Nicholas Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra and is a beloved Saint around the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and a prayer on the back. Icon by the hand of our friend, Georgi Chimev. -
Holy Trinity (Rublev) Icon - F144
From $9.95The Holy Trinity is our fount and source of being, life, and salvation. In the Orthodox Church, worship begins and ends with the words, "Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." From Holy Scripture’s account of... -
Christ "the Good Shepherd" (Davidovskiy) Icon - X155
From $9.95One of the most popular and beloved Christian Orthodox Icons from the most ancient times is the Orthodox icon of the Good Shepherd. As you look at Christ beautifully holding a sheep on his shoulder you are instantly taken to the Gospel of St. John,... -
Creation of the World (XXIc) Icon - F379
From $9.95This stunning icon depicts the Six Days of Creation in one single incredible icon. The starry firmament above contains the sun, moon, and stars. The border of the sky is marked by a rainbow, which in iconography symbolizes God's divine power and... -
Christ "the Bridegroom" Extreme Humility (Clark) Icon - X127
From $9.95Our Lord is depicted at His trial, stripped of His clothes and beaten, hands tied, wearing the crown of thorns and holding the reed in His hand. This icon is also known as "Extreme Humility." This icon of Christ is used during the first three days of... -
Saint Patrick Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Patrick was the enlightener of Ireland and is a beloved Saint across the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and an excerpt from the "Breastplate" or "Lorica" of Saint Patrick... -
Jesus Walking on the Water (XXIc) Icon - F290
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon depicts the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. Capturing the emotion and glory from the famed story from the Gospels, it demonstrates Christ’s power and care for his disciples as they lie storm-tossed in the... -
Saint Olga of Alaska "Northern Light of the Church" (Whirledge) Icon - S608
From $9.95Saint Olga was born on February 3, 1916, in the Yup'ik village of Kwethluk, Alaska. Her family herded reindeer, and Olga (Arrsamquq, her Yup'ik name) loved spending time in the mountains as a child, playing with her six brothers. She married her... -
Resurrection of Christ (Chimev) Icon - F380
From $9.95On the third day after His death, the Sunday of Pascha (Easter), our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead. This icon celebrates the universe-transforming event known as the Harrowing of Hades, the doctrine laid down in... -
Saint George (XXIc) Icon - S221
From $9.95Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,... -
Saint Mary of Egypt (XXIc) Icon - S573
From $9.95Saint Mary lived in the fifth century. As a girl, she left her Christian family in order to follow her pleasures in unbridled sinful living. At one point she joined a group of pilgrims to Jerusalem, selling herself in exchange for passage. When they... -
Transfiguration of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F216
From $9.95Shortly before the Lord Jesus' life-giving Death, He wished to give His disciples an assurance of His Godhood and reveal to them the glory that awaits those who follow Him faithfully to the end. He took Peter, James, and John to the summit of Mount... -
Great Feasts (XXIc) Icon - F223
From $9.95This icon features our 13 specially-commissioned icons from our matching Great Feasts and Pascha Set. Starting with the Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8) in the upper left corner and moving down row-by-row to the Dormition of the Theotokos... -
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (XXIc) Icon - T145
From $9.95This beautiful icon is a duplication of the original, painted by a Bulgarian iconographer in 2015. It is very similar to the prototype, although the sharp-eyed viewer will note the more traditional Byzantine style of this icon, especially in the faces... -
Archangel Michael (Koufos) Icon - S122
From $9.95Legacy Icons is honored to offer this stunning traditional icon of Holy Michael the Archangel. The Archangel Michael is the warrior of God, and in any given instance of heavenly warfare is likely present fighting for Him. In icons, Michael can... -
Saint John the Baptist (Clark) Icon - S137
From $9.95The Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John was the older cousin of our Lord. He was born miraculously of his aged parents, specially chosen by God to prepare the way for Christ, the Messiah. It was John who identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God... -
Nativity of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F194
From $9.95During the reign of Caesar Augustus, our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem. Refer to the Gospels of Matthew (chapters 1-2) and Luke (chapter 2) for the account of the Lord's birth... -
Saints Peter and Paul (XXIc) Icon - S230
From $9.95Both Apostles, being chosen by our Lord, were instrumental in the establishment and growth of the early Church through their boldness, spiritual strength, and wisdom. Thus they are recognized as "pillars" of the Church, having offered all even unto... -
Saint Gabriel the Fool for Christ (Whirledge) Icon - S598
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon depicts Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze) the Fool for Christ. A renowned Georgian saint, he endured brutal persecution during Soviet rule and lived a long faithful life as an ascetic. His relics and intercessions have long been... -
Theophany (XXIc) Icon - F196
From $9.95John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness, preparing the way for Our Lord. As John was baptizing the people in the Jordan River, Jesus came to be baptized Himself—not that He had sins to be forgiven, but to inaugurate His ministry. The... -
The Visitation of the Theotokos and Saint Elizabeth Icon - F324
From $9.95After the miraculous conception of Saint John the Baptist by Saint Elizabeth and the Annunciation to the Theotokos of the conception of the Lord Jesus, the two cousins met at Elizabeth's home. When the Theotokos entered Elizabeth's presence, John leapt... -
Mystical Supper (Whirledge) Icon - F386
From $9.95This 21st century icon shows the scene of the Mystical Supper (or the Last Supper). Christ reveals that one of his Disciples will betray Him, as they look at one another with shock. Judas, the betrayer, is seen reaching his hand toward the bowl, as the... -
Father Seraphim Rose of Platina (Chimev) Icon - S581
From $9.95Father Seraphim (Eugene Rose) was born in San Diego, California, in 1934. He was baptized in the Methodist faith, but later lost his faith and became an atheist. In the 1950s, he attended college and delved into Buddhism, art and culture in San... -
Christ the Good Shepherd (Fiorenzo) Icon - X178
From $9.95This exquisite contemporary icon portrays Christ as the Good Shepherd. This traditional image of Christ carrying his rescued sheep is one of the oldest depictions in art. The earliest example of this beautiful image dates from the early 200s and is found... -
Jesus Christ the Divine Architect (Whirledge) Icon - X173
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon depicts Christ in his role as Creator and Divine Architect of the world and universe. He holds a measuring compass in his hand, reminding the viewer/worshipper of the words addressed by God in Job 38:4-7: “Where... -
Saint Dymphna of Gheel (XXIc) Icon - S574
From $9.95Saint Dymphna lived in the seventh century. She was born in Oriel in northeastern Ireland to Damon, a pagan king; her mother was a Christian. When she was 14 years old, Dymphna took a vow of chastity. Her mother died soon afterwards. After the death of... -
Saint Anna and the Theotokos (Stryzhak) Icon - S441
From $9.95Saint Anna was the wife of Saint Joachim. In her old age, Anna became the mother of the Virgin Mary Theotokos, and the grandmother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Her feast is celebrated on September 9, and she is known as a powerful intercessor for childless... -
Saint Nikephoros the Leper Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Nikephoros born in Greece in 1887. He suffered from leprosy and was sent to live in a leper colony at age 13. He joined the monastery of Chios in 1916 at age 24. He bore his ailment and its disfiguring effects with patience, chanting in the church... -
Wedding at Cana (Stryzhak) Icon - F317
From $9.95This beautiful icon depicts the Lord's first miracle at the Wedding of Cana, where He turned the water into wine and, in the words of the Orthodox Wedding service, He "declared marriage to be an honorable estate." Icons of the Wedding at Cana are often... -
Ignatius of Antioch (XXIc) Icon - S335
From $9.95Saint Ignatius is known to have been a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, and a contributor to the early ministry of the Church. He is also believed to have been that “little child” who Jesus used as an example of the... -
Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco Icon - S208
From $9.95Saint John was the Russian Orthodox bishop of various cities in the 20th century, including Shanghai, China, and San Francisco, California. In these and other places he cared for his flock, which included many Russians who had fled the persecution of... -
Saint Herman of Alaska (XXIc) Icon - S226
From $9.95Saint Herman was a Russian monk and missionary to the native Alaskan peoples. He was sent to Alaska with a group of ten monks in 1794. After a decade of work, Saint Herman became the head of the mission and was the headmaster of the school. He was... -
Archangel Michael (Clark) Icon - S588
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon of the Archangel Michael depicts him in his role as warrior and intercessor for the church. He bears a sword and scroll bearing the Trisagion Prayer, reminding the viewer of the angelic beings’ role in continual... -
Christ and Theotokos (Koufos) Micro Icon Set
$7.49This beautiful pair of micro icons (approximately 1” in size) depict Christ and Theotokos and are painted by contemporary iconographer Fr. Thedore Koufos. They make a perfect addition for a vehicle, office, dorm room, or any other space for... -
Harrowing of Hades (XXIc) Resurrection Icon - F211
From $9.95On the third day after His death, the Sunday of Pascha (Easter), our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead. This icon celebrates the universe-transforming event known as the Harrowing of Hades, the doctrine laid down in... -
Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis (Stryzhak) Icon - S461
From $9.95Saint Nectarios (also spelled Nektarios or Nectarius) was from Thrace (in modern northern Turkey). He was born in 1846 and became a monk in 1876. He was blessed to undertake theological studies in Athens, and was ordained a priest in Cairo, Egypt, in...