Discover our divine collection of Jesus Christ Icons at Legacy Icons, featuring exquisite Orthodox, Byzantine, and Russian styles. Each icon, handcrafted for spiritual depth and beauty, is perfect for personal devotion, church adornment, or as a sacred gift. Explore now to find museum-quality icons that bring the presence of Christ into your life.
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Saint George Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint George was a Martyr of the early Church and is a beloved Saint across the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and his Troparia (liturgical hymns) on the back. Icon by the hand... -
Saint Nicholas Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra and is a beloved Saint around the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and a prayer on the back. Icon by the hand of our friend, Georgi Chimev. -
Creation of the World (XXIc) Icon - F379
From $9.95This stunning icon depicts the Six Days of Creation in one single incredible icon. The starry firmament above contains the sun, moon, and stars. The border of the sky is marked by a rainbow, which in iconography symbolizes God's divine power and... -
Saint Patrick Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Patrick was the enlightener of Ireland and is a beloved Saint across the world. We offer this prayer card which features the icon of the Saint with beautiful foil-stamped accents and an excerpt from the "Breastplate" or "Lorica" of Saint Patrick... -
Jesus Walking on the Water (XXIc) Icon - F290
From $9.95This contemporary Byzantine icon depicts the miracle of Jesus walking on the water. Capturing the emotion and glory from the famed story from the Gospels, it demonstrates Christ’s power and care for his disciples as they lie storm-tossed in the... -
Resurrection of Christ (Chimev) Icon - F380
From $9.95On the third day after His death, the Sunday of Pascha (Easter), our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead. This icon celebrates the universe-transforming event known as the Harrowing of Hades, the doctrine laid down in... -
Saint George (XXIc) Icon - S221
From $9.95Saint George, sometimes called “the Trophy-bearer,” was born in the province of Cappadocia, Asia Minor (Turkey), in the third century and raised as a Christian. About age 20, he joined the Roman army under the emperor Diocletian,... -
Great Feasts (XXIc) Icon - F223
From $9.95This icon features our 13 specially-commissioned icons from our matching Great Feasts and Pascha Set. Starting with the Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8) in the upper left corner and moving down row-by-row to the Dormition of the Theotokos... -
Transfiguration of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F216
From $9.95Shortly before the Lord Jesus' life-giving Death, He wished to give His disciples an assurance of His Godhood and reveal to them the glory that awaits those who follow Him faithfully to the end. He took Peter, James, and John to the summit of Mount... -
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (XXIc) Icon - T145
From $9.95This beautiful icon is a duplication of the original, painted by a Bulgarian iconographer in 2015. It is very similar to the prototype, although the sharp-eyed viewer will note the more traditional Byzantine style of this icon, especially in the faces... -
Nativity of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F194
From $9.95During the reign of Caesar Augustus, our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem. Refer to the Gospels of Matthew (chapters 1-2) and Luke (chapter 2) for the account of the Lord's birth... -
Saints Peter and Paul (XXIc) Icon - S230
From $9.95Both Apostles, being chosen by our Lord, were instrumental in the establishment and growth of the early Church through their boldness, spiritual strength, and wisdom. Thus they are recognized as "pillars" of the Church, having offered all even unto... -
Theophany (XXIc) Icon - F196
From $9.95John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness, preparing the way for Our Lord. As John was baptizing the people in the Jordan River, Jesus came to be baptized Himself—not that He had sins to be forgiven, but to inaugurate His ministry. The... -
Father Seraphim Rose of Platina (Chimev) Icon - S581
From $9.95Father Seraphim (Eugene Rose) was born in San Diego, California, in 1934. He was baptized in the Methodist faith, but later lost his faith and became an atheist. In the 1950s, he attended college and delved into Buddhism, art and culture in San... -
Saint Nikephoros the Leper Icon Prayer Card
$1.95Saint Nikephoros born in Greece in 1887. He suffered from leprosy and was sent to live in a leper colony at age 13. He joined the monastery of Chios in 1916 at age 24. He bore his ailment and its disfiguring effects with patience, chanting in the church... -
Ignatius of Antioch (XXIc) Icon - S335
From $9.95Saint Ignatius is known to have been a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, and a contributor to the early ministry of the Church. He is also believed to have been that “little child” who Jesus used as an example of the... -
Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco Icon - S208
From $9.95Saint John was the Russian Orthodox bishop of various cities in the 20th century, including Shanghai, China, and San Francisco, California. In these and other places he cared for his flock, which included many Russians who had fled the persecution of... -
Saint Herman of Alaska (XXIc) Icon - S226
From $9.95Saint Herman was a Russian monk and missionary to the native Alaskan peoples. He was sent to Alaska with a group of ten monks in 1794. After a decade of work, Saint Herman became the head of the mission and was the headmaster of the school. He was... -
Harrowing of Hades (XXIc) Resurrection Icon - F211
From $9.95On the third day after His death, the Sunday of Pascha (Easter), our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ raised Himself from the dead. This icon celebrates the universe-transforming event known as the Harrowing of Hades, the doctrine laid down in... -
Christ and Theotokos (XXIc) (Red) Icon Set - Y004
From $19.95This icon set includes icons of Christ and the Theotokos that were painted in Bulgaria in the 21st century. The bold red background of these icons is stunning and must be seen in person. The color red, like gold, represents holiness and divinity... -
Ascension of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F202
From $9.95On the 40th day after His Resurrection, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven in His resurrected body. As the eleven Apostles stood on the Mount of Olives at Bethany, they watched Him disappear from view. An angel declared that He would return in the... -
Saint Patrick Icon - S410
From $9.95Saint Patrick was a 5th century missionary and bishop in Ireland, and he is the foremost patron saint of that country. His feast is celebrated on March 17 by Christians all around the world. In the icon, he is vested as a bishop. He holds the Gospel in... -
Holy Trinity (XXIc) Icon - F143
From $9.95This icon is used in the Russian tradition for the feast of Pentecost, and in many churches it appears above the Holy Doors. It bears two meanings. On its surface, this icon depicts a scene from the Bible. The image of three angels grouped around... -
Presentation of Christ (XXIc) Icon - F198
From $9.95Forty days after the birth of Jesus, his mother Mary and Joseph the Betrothed took him to the Temple in Jerusalem. As faithful Jews who observed the Law of Moses, they brought thank offering of two turtledoves for sacrifice. There they were met by... -
Three Holy Hierarchs Icon - S469
From $9.95This 21st-century Bulgarian icon, painted by the hand of Georgi Chimev, features Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. About the year 1100, there arose a discussion among the Christians of Constantinople about which of... -
Saint Athanasius the Great of Alexandria Icon - S219
From $9.95Saint Athanasius was born to a Christian family in Alexandria in 295. He was ordained the bishop of Alexandria before he reached his thirtieth birthday, and became a leader of the Church even before that. At the time that Athanasius was... -
Christ and Theotokos (XXIc) Icon Set - Y005
From $19.95This icon set includes icons of Christ and the Theotokos that were painted in Bulgaria in the 21st century. Ideal for baptism and wedding gifts, the icons of Christ and His Mother are essential for every home prayer corner. -
Annunciation (XXIc) Icon - F199
From $9.95"Today is the beginning of our salvation," proclaims the Orthodox Church's troparion (hymn) for the Annunciation. Celebrated on March 25, exactly nine months before Christmas, this feast is dedicated to the announcement of Gabriel to the Virgin Mary... -
Righteous Elizabeth, Mother of the Forerunner Icon - S339
From $9.95Saint Elizabeth was the wife of Righteous Zacharias the high priest and the mother of Saint John the Forerunner. She was a descendent of Aaron and a sister of Saint Anna, the mother of the Theotokos. She was barren, but the Lord heard the prayers... -
Saint Demetrios (XXIc) Icon - S222
From $9.95Saint Demetrios (or Demetrius) was born in Thessaloniki in the third century. He was a soldier in the Roman army and exhibited every Christian virtue. During the persecution of the emperor Diocletian, Demetrios was imprisoned. While in prison he spoke... -
Stephen the Protomartyr (XXIc) Icon - S336
From $9.95The Apostle Stephen was the first deacon of the Church. For this, he is called "Protodeacon" or "Archdeacon," and as he was the first Christian martyr, he is called "Protomartyr." While performing his missionary work, he defeated some Jews in a debate... -
Pentecost (XXIc) Icon - F213
From $9.95After the Lord's Ascension into heaven, the Apostles spent their days in prayer, preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit. On the morning of the 50th day of His Resurrection, the Lord sent the Holy Spirit upon them as He had promised. There was the... -
Dormition of the Theotokos (XXIc) Icon - F217
From $9.95The Church has received the tradition of the Dormition (death) and Assumption into heaven of the Mother of God from the ancient Fathers of the Church. When the Savior was pleased to take His Mother to Himself in heaven, He sent the Archangel... -
Saint Ephraim the Syrian Icon - S415
From $9.95Although his parents were strong Christians, Ephraim (or Ephrem), born in Nisbis, was thoughtless and rebellious in his youth. It was not until his antics bordered on crime and he was accused of theft that Ephrem began to repent of his ways, and he... -
Mystical Supper (XXIc) Icon - F256
From $9.95This 21st century icon, specially commissioned by Legacy Icons, shows the scene of the Mystical Supper (or the Last Supper). Christ reveals that one of his Disciples will betray Him, as they look at one another with shock. Judas, the betrayer, is seen... -
Exaltation of the Cross (XXIc) Icon - F221
From $9.95The Great and Universal Feast of the Exaltation (Elevation) of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross is the only one of the Great Feasts that did not occur during the Biblical time period. It is celebrated on September 14 each year. Saint Helen, the... -
Entry Into Jerusalem (XXIc) Icon - F201
From $9.95Palm Sunday is the celebration of Christ's triumphal entry into the royal city of Jerusalem. Riding on a young donkey, he was met by a massive crowd who publicly hailed Him as king. They waved palm branches and laid their cloaks on the road before Him... -
Great Feasts and Pascha Set - Y009
From $119.95With this set, you will receive the icons of the Twelve Great Feasts and Pascha (Easter), for a total of 13 beautiful icons: Nativity of the Theotokos Exaltation of the Cross Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple Nativity of Christ Theophany...