
Custom Icon Guide

Occasionally we have to reject Custom Icon orders because they do not adhere to our technical requirements or our company mission. Below you will find examples of the types of images we are not able to reproduce as Custom Icons.


What's wrong: The image was painted by a contemporary iconographer (Aidan Hart) and uploaded without permission. Under U.S. law, a creative work is the intellectual property of its creator—even when it is religious in nature.

How to fix it: You must either use an image that is clearly or verifiably over 100 years old, or you must have specific permission from the iconographer or legal owner (such as the church or owner, if the copyright was transferred to the church or owner) to upload it.


What's wrong: The image does not fit the selected board.

How to fix it: Select the board aspect ratio that most closely fits your image. Do not leave red gaps around the edges.


What's wrong: The image is sized too small.

How to fix it: Resize the image to fully fit the available area. Do not leave red gaps around the edges.


What's wrong: The image is inappropriately cropped.

How to fix it: If you need to crop an image, pay attention to the composition to ensure that important elements are not arbitrarily cut off.


What's wrong: The resolution of the image is too low.

How to fix it: Use a high-resolution image when ordering a custom icon. For best results, use an image of at least 300 pixels per inch.


What's wrong: The image is a photograph. While it does depict a saint (St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco), a photograph does not properly depict the glorified person the way an icon does.

How to fix it: Use a painted icon, not a photograph.


What's wrong: The image is a graphic design, not an icon.

How to fix it: We are only able to reproduce icons. You might consider having your artwork printed with another company.


What's wrong: The image is a family photo, not an icon.

How to fix it: We are only able to reproduce Christian icons. You might consider having your artwork printed with another company.


What's wrong: The image is a portrait painted in a neo-Byzantine style, not an icon.

How to fix it: We are only able to reproduce Christian icons. You might consider having your artwork printed with another company.


What's wrong: The image is not a Christian subject.

How to fix it: We are only able to reproduce Christian icons. You might consider having your artwork printed with another company.