
Preparing For The Cross

This post comes from an email in the "Walk Through the Church Year" series which goes out to folks who sign up to receive two emails per month about major feasts and selected commemorations in the liturgical calendar. To receive these emails in your inbox, sign up here

The original email was sent out in September of 2024.

by Reader John

Elevation of the Cross by the hand of Georgi Chimev

At my home parish of Holy Cross Antiochian Orthodox Church, September 14 is always extra special, because it is our patronal feast day. We celebrate with the rest of the Church around the world, and we celebrate our parish community itself, and the Precious Cross’s protection in our midst.

When I think of the Elevation of the Cross, I am reminded of the story of Saint Mary of Egypt. She lived a depraved and sinful life, but her encounter with the Holy Cross in Jerusalem sparked a radical change in her. She repented and spent the rest of her days growing in holiness, becoming one of the Church’s greatest saints.

In my own life in the Church, I have found that encounters with holiness always affect people. For some—those who are not in a place to receive it—an encounter with holiness pushes them away and causes a negative reaction. For others, it draws them in and beckons for more and closer encounters. But no one comes into contact with holiness and walks away unchanged.

If we, like Saint Mary, are drawn to the Cross but are unable to bring ourselves into the Church, let us imitate her and sincerely ask the Theotokos for help. Let us celebrate our Lady’s Nativity and take confidence in her compassion, praying in the words of Saint Mary of Egypt, “Help me, O All-Pure One. Let me enter the church. Allow me to behold the Wood upon which the Lord was crucified in the flesh, shedding His Blood for the redemption of sinners, and also for me.”

As we approach the Feast of the Cross, and see it elevated in our own churches, let us prepare ourselves for this encounter. If there is anything in us that has fallen short of God’s glory, let us repent and resolve to change, as Saint Mary did. Then let us kiss the Holy Cross, “filled with faith and love, drawing forth holiness for ourselves,” as the Vespers service of the feast says.

Sep 6th 2024

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